It’s hard to believe another year is already gone but here we are a few hours away from 2017! I myself had an eventful year but I’m very happy with the growth of Domesticated Wild Child and this is the year that saw a big profit which I hope will continue into next year. Whether you follow me on social media or by my email newsletter, I just want to let you know that I appreciate all of you who comment and share! You are awesome! I think I’m not the only one who thought this year had some big ups and downs and I hope everyone has a safe and happy new year and a wonderful 2017!
Now, back to work. Here is a list of the top ten posts that got the most hits and shares this year. Some are repeats from last year, you can see that list here, while we have a few newbies on this list. I hope you enjoy and maybe find something new you haven’t read yet. Happy New Year!
10) Dealing with Allergies While Pregnant
5) Pulled Pork
1) Honey Garlic Baked Chicken Thighs