Sunday Sauce


Sunday Sauce

If you have never tried making your own sauce, I highly recommend it. It tastes so much better than store-bought and it’s healthier for you since it doesn’t contain so much sugar and additives. I call this “Sunday Sauce” because I usually make a huge batch on a Sunday afternoon when I have the time. Then we pressurize them in mason jars and stock them away for when needed. It took a few rounds of trial and error but we perfected it and now we don’t eat any other sauce.  Continue reading “Sunday Sauce”

Homemade BBQ Sauce

HomemadeBBQ Sauce

I hope you all had a happy new year! The first post of 2014 is for a smoky homemade BBQ sauce. I used to always have a bottle of sauce in my fridge but realized one day in the middle of dinner that I forgot to stock up. I tried making my own and it has been a staple ever since. It’s much better than the bottled stuff. This is great for any kind of meat but really brought out the flavor in BBQ chicken. Continue reading “Homemade BBQ Sauce”