How to Ripen a Banana Quickly

How to Ripen a Banana Quickly-2

It always seems that whenever I want to bake banana bread or muffins I’m usually looking at practically green bananas in my kitchen. Luckily there is a way to ripen your bananas for baking use. All you need is an oven and 1 hour. You can put the banana right in the bowl and get your baking started. Continue reading “How to Ripen a Banana Quickly”

How to Make Buttermilk


How to Make Buttermilk

There comes a time when you read a recipe and you find an ingredient that you don’t usually keep on hand. In my case it’s buttermilk. I use it occasionally but not enough to always buy it and keep it around.

Continue reading “How to Make Buttermilk”

10 Minute Microwave Cleaner

10 Minute Microwave Cleaner

My microwave is notorious for being gross! It seems like every time I open the door there is more crap shellacked to the top and sides. It took me awhile to find a method that didn’t involve a ton of time and scrubbing. This is the best method that I have tried.

Continue reading “10 Minute Microwave Cleaner”